Tenant referencing

At Kentwoods we don’t want to change estate agency.

We just want to make the process better, and that is our aim!


To protect your home Kentwood prioritise making sure you have the best quality tenants. Good quality referencing is the corner stone to achieving this. At Kentwood we only use the best. Homelet have referenced more 14 million tenants over the last 30 years. As part of the largest referencing group in the UK we have partnered with Homelet because they are experts in referencing. Where applicable we complete a multitude of checks, including (where applicable):

  • Bank Validation
  • Any Adverse Credit History
  • Undisclosed Addresses
  • CIFAS (Credit Industry Fraud Avoidance System)
  • HomeLet Default Database
  • Consistency of application cross check
  • Full financial reference, including future employment
  • Current landlord or letting agent references

We aim to have references turned around in less that 48 hours after they have been submitted so that we can get your tenants in place as soon as possible.

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